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Limiting the Scope and Size of Exposed Data

What if a bank told you that you could get a mortgage without providing your Social Security Number? What if you were told that providing a birthdate, address, middle name, mother’s maiden name, and blood type wasn’t necessary, just voluntary, for your kid’s college application? In both circumstances would you provide unnecessary, additional data? Of course not.

Why then, would you provide extra, not needed data elements to a third party to respond to verification requests. Let me break it down a little further. If you are currently sending a data file out of your HRIS or payroll system to a third party to assist you with responding to verification requests, there is a really good chance that you are sending unnecessary, sensitive PII outside your walls for no reason at all. At Verifent we call this ‘unnecessary data scope.’ You have provided data that is beyond what is required to fulfill a verification request…thus, voluntarily exposing your employee’s data outside your walls for no good reason. You have now exposed yourself to additional and unwanted risk/liability. (Is it possible that the third-party is using that additional data for things other than verifications? Hint: Yes.)

Furthermore, why are you providing sensitive employee data that may never be needed for a third party? For instance, if you have 10,000 active employees and 5,000 inactive employees, you have now sent 15,000 records of employee payroll data outside your walls to a third party. In a given year, if 50% of those employees need to have their data verified, you have voluntarily sent an extra 7,500 employee records outside your walls for no reason at all. At Verifent we call this ‘unnecessary data size.’ You have now exposed yourself and your employees to additional and unwanted risk/liability. (Is it possible that the third-party is using that additional data for things other than verifications? Hint: Yes.)

When we designed Verifent, the SCOPE and SIZE of the data were considered. We have created a service that limits the scope and size of the data exposed outside the employer’s walls because we believe you know how to protect your employee data best. The needs of the marketplace are now being met by Verifent’s easy to use platform, while limiting the amount of data exposed outside of employer’s systems.

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